A training and assessment platform built on heart
The Background
The Winnipeg Humane Society (WHS) is a community service organization committed to protecting animals from suffering and promoting their welfare and dignity. It is the oldest and largest animal shelter and welfare organization in Manitoba.
The WHS has a substantial base of staff and volunteers. Providing the best possible training to its workforce would ensure that it could deliver on its animal welfare mandate.
The Opportunity
The WHS Management hoped to leverage technology to deliver more effective and efficient ways to provide, manage, and monitor the quality of staff and volunteer training.
The parameters of the training platform:
- It needed to be user-friendly and effective for both training and assessing achieved competency.
- Its managers responsible for supporting staff and volunteer training required a robust monitoring and reporting system.
The Solution
Relish developed and deployed a customized online training system with logic that delivers a customized portfolio of learning modules based on each user’s criteria when signing up.
Each of the modules making up the platform features instructional video content. Once users review the content, the platform administers assessment quizzes to confirm comprehension. Users receive their quiz results in real-time.
The new training platform allowed the WHS’s staff to manage their profile and keep track of their progress. Management could stay current on their direct reports’ progress using a dashboard, as well as receive emailed notifications and progress reports.
With the new training platform in place, the WHS now enjoys:
- An automatic, systematic, and reproducible training process to ensure consistent results.
- Drastically reduced labour costs.
- Increased uptake and quality of training.
- The capability to easily monitor training activity and progress across the organization.
Services Provided
- Wireframing & UX Design
- Wordpress/Custom Theme Development
- Moodle-based Application Portals
- Data Analysis Tools and Reporting Systems